Conferencias plenarias

Se desarrollarán sesiones plenarias a cargo de prestigiosos especialistas de nivel mundial:


George Tchobanoglous

George Tchobanoglous joined the University of California, Davis, in 1970 and remained there for the rest of his professional career, teaching courses on water and wastewater treatment and solid waste management. He is now a professor emeritus in the university's Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering. Tchobanoglous' principal research interests are in the general areas of wastewater treatment, water reuse, and solid waste management. In the 1970s he studied the use of constructed wetlands for wastewater treatment. Tchobanoglous is the author or coauthor of over 560 publications, including 23 textbooks and eight engineering reference books, such as “Ingeniería de aguas residuales”  (Metcalf and Eddy Inc.-McGraw-Hill). He also provided editorial consulting for the book series Water Resources and Environmental Engineering, from McGraw-Hill and provides national and international consulting for governments and private companies.
Hans Brix

Head of department of Bioscience, Aarhus University (Denmark)-Full Professor, Plant Biology, Dept. of Biology, Aarhus University (Denmark). Brix is specialised in freshwater ecology, wetland ecology and plant ecophysiology. Focus is on the ecophysiology of invasive plants in wetlands and aquatic ecosystems, and biogeochemical cycling. The research involves studies on ecosystem level, e.g. the emission of greenhouse gases from wetlands, as well as on the individual plant level, e.g. release of oxygen from plant roots, internal gas-transport in aquatic plants, and physiological characteristics of aquatic plants in relation to growth conditions. Applied aspects of the research involve the use of natural and constructed wetlands for the treatment of various kinds of polluted water. 179 papers in peer reviewed scientific journals; 28 books and book chapters; 40 papers in conference proceedings, and 30 reports and popular science papers.

Carlos Arias
Researcher at Aarhus University (Denmark). More than 20 years of experience in the development of eco-technological systems for the treatment of supply waters, wastewaters and runoff. The research has been directed to the identification, determination and optimization of processes involved in the removal of pollutants. Efforts in the research have been devoted to improve the removal of nitrogen, phosphorous, pathogen and emergent pollutants in decentralized wastewater systems by developing innovative operational schemes, introducing the use of the intensification of constructed wetlands and the use of reactive media for the improvement of performance. Work has also been done in the determination of pathways of nutrients and emerging micropollutants from urban, industrial and agricultural catchments. I have also been devoted to technology and knowledge transfer to developing countries such as India, Vietnam, China, Colombia, Uruguay and Mexico. Guest lecturer in several countries. Publications recorded by Scopus 48 peer reviewed articles, 69 papers in scientific proceedings, 4 chapters in books and 12 reports and popular science articles.
Josep Bayona
Research Professor at the Institute of Environmental Assessment and Water Research (IDAEA) from the Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC) in Barcelona (Spain). His main research interests are the Environmental Chemistry focusing on the transformation processes and the pathway of organic contaminants in the environment and engineered ecosystems. He has been appointed Member of the National Committee to cope with the ecological emergency in the Doñana, National Park 1997-1999, Steering Committee of the Catalan Society of Chemistry (2002-2004), GESAMP (Group of Experts on the Scientific Aspects of Marine Pollution) membership 2008. He was editor of the Analytical Chemistry A pages (2003-2005), coeditor of Comprehensive Sampling and Sample Preparation Encyclopedia (Elsevier) and editorial board of the International Journal of Environmental Chemistry. Dr. Bayona is coauthor of 240 publications in peer-reviewed journals, 35 book chapters.


Armando Rivas Hernández

25 years experienced on wastewater treatment plants, in The Mexican Institute of Water Technology; focused on design, construction, evaluation, training, consultancy and technological research of natural systems, stabilization ponds and treatment wetlands. 41 technical papers, 7 reviewed papers 8 books chapters, 1 book. 2 videos on wetlands, 14 technical advice; organization and participation on 26 national and international work-shops on stabilization ponds and treatment wetlands, 59 conferences (31 national, 17 international and 11 Keynote), 14 international workshops on wastewater treatment by natural systems, Co-founder of the IWA-Mexico, collaboration between the Japanese International Cooperation Agency and the Mexican Institute of Water Technology. 

Diego Paredes Cuervo

Profesor Asociado Facultad de Ciencias Ambientales en la Universidad Tecnológica de Pereira. Docente tiempo completo a cargo de los siguientes tópicos: Quimica Ambiental, Saneamiento Ambiental, Hidrología, Manejo de Residuos Sólidos, Procesos Industriales, Gestión Integral de Recursos Hídricos, Gestión de Tecnologías Ambientales. Director Grupo de Investigación en Agua y Saneamiento. Áreas de Actuación: Ecotecnologias, sistemas de bajo costo para el tratamiento de aguas residuales, selección de tecnologias para el tratamiento de aguas residuales, calidad del aire, de las aguas y del suelo, planeamiento integrado de los recursos hídricos, residuos sólidos, domésticos e industriales.


Jacques Brisson


Professor in plant dynamics, biology departement, Université de Montréal and Institut de recherche en biologie végétale. Areas of research: Biodiversity, Invasive species, Constructed wetlands, Phytotechnology, Plant dynamics, Conservation, Urban Ecology. More than 75 peer reviewed articles, 19 refereed conference proceedings or book chapters, 46 research reports, 113 articles treating of environmental sciences in popular science journals.

Alejandra Maine


Es presidente del comité organizador de la “III Conferencia Panamericana de Sistemas de Humedales para el Tratamiento y Mejoramiento de la Calidad del Agua”. Investigador Principal del CONICET. Es Profesor Adjunto ordinario dedicación exclusiva de la Universidad Nacional del Litoral, ha dictado y dicta cursos de grado y posgrado UNL, en el área de Quimica analítica y Química Ambiental. Profesor invitado de Carreras de Posgrado de la UTN Santa Fe y de la Universidad Católica de Santa Fe. Fue Miembro de la Comisión Asesora de Ciencias de la Tierra, del Agua y de la Atmósfera de CONICET. Dirige y ha dirigido proyectos, tesistas de posgrado, tesinistas, becarios, docentes-investigadores, pasantes, etc. Ha realizado más de 50 publicaciones en revistas científicas con referato y presentado más de 150 trabajos a Congresos Nacionales e Internacionales. Es revisora de artículos en revistas internacionales. 


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